Grass Cutting Contract Tender
Godstone Parish Council are tendering the grass cutting contract for the green sites owned by the Parish Council; Godstone Green; Burial Ground; and Blindley Heath. Council welcome contractors interested in submitting a quote.
Tender Information - Grass Cutting Contract
If you have any questions in relation to the tender, please contact the Clerk.
Given the openness of Godstone Green and accessibility to wildlife, the Council is aware that holes might appear on the Green periodically. We take every care to arrange to fill these holes where possible and as promptly as possible. Nonetheless, the Council would like to remind anyone who uses Godstone Green to take care when on the Green.
Final Opportunity to Have Your Councils Say on Surrey's Rights of Way
With over 4000 responses to SCC initial Rights of Way Improvement Plan survey, Surrey County Council have now drafted a new Rights of Way Improvement Plan and want to give everyone a final opportunity to have their say on Surrey’s rights of way and shape the new plan which will run until 2035.
Every council that is responsible for public rights of way must have a Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP). This sets out how public rights of way meet the needs of the public, now and in the future.
SCC would like to hear your Councils views on the main report of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan Draft (ROWIP) 2025 - 2035. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please allow extra time to read the draft ROWIP. Your feedback will be used to shape the final ROWIP.
The survey is open until 9 February 2025 and can be accessed on the Surrey Says website
Henry Smith Charity
Further information on eligibility and how to apply for a grant from the Henry Smith Charity, if you live in Godstone, South Godstone or Blindley Heath, is available on request from Trisha Miller, Clerk to the Trustees at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Household Support Fund
Please find information on the government scheme to help ease the financial pressure from the rising cost of living. Residents with low incomes can apply for a small grant from this fund Household support fund - Tandridge District Council
Godstone Parish Funding and Work
Car Park Termination of Project Statement
Surrey County Council Letter on Unitary Authority to Secretary of State (June 2020)
Tandridge District Council Letter on Unitary Authority to Secretary of State (June 2020) and attachment
District and Borough Leaders Letter on Unitary Authority to Secretary of State (June 2020)
Statutory Documents